Why Juiice?
The juice of fresh fruits and vegetables is the richest available food source of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Orange-red vegetables have high levels of carotene, a suspected anticancer substance; citrus fruits contain vitamin c and bioflavonoids, important immune-strengthening nutrients; dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid, a B-complex vitamin necessary for proper maintenance of red blood cells and the nervous system. Our juiices offers you a concentration of nutrients packaged in the best proportions so that you can benefit from the synergistic effect of all nutrients working together to nourish your body and enhance your health. Easy, convenient, and fun way of putting a diversity of flavorful, nutrient-packed beverages into your lifestyle, making good nutrition accessible even to people who think they dislike fruits and vegetables.
Stimulates the immune system and bronchial constrictions, antiviral and anti bacterial
Supports immune function and heals the epithelial tissues that line the respiratory tract.
Antioxidant the can inhibit the inflammatory compounds.
With the addition of B12, high in chlorophyll, antiviral activity
Antiviral and antibacterial action,shorten common cold, preventative action
Effective anti-inflammatory agent for sore throats, immune booster
Supports immune function and epithelial tissues that line the respiratory tract
Helps expel mucus and has anti-inflammatory properties
Anti viral, antibiotic and antibacterial action
Respiratory system
Your respiratory system is the network of organs and tissues that help you breath. This system helps your body absorb oxygen from the air so your organs can work. It also cleans waste gases, such as carbon dioxide, from your blood. Common problems include allergies, asthma, aging, diseases or infections.
Nervous system
Your nervous system plays a role in everything you do. The three main parts of your nervous system are your brain, spinal cord and nerves. It helps you move, think and feel. It even regulates the things you do but don't think about like digestion. It contains the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Common conditions or disorders include alzheimer's disease, confusion, vision loss, slurred speech, muscle weakness, cancer, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, meningitis, parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury.
Anti-inflammatory properties,
Improved memory, increases absorption of iron
Helps the body detoxify carcinogenic compounds, converts free radicals to harmless waste
Potent abilities to inhibit the rapid production of cells
Reduce total cholesterol, prevent formation of blood clots
Improves circulation, anti-bacterial effect, immune boosting properties
Protect cell membranes, inhibit cancer growth, enhance immune system
Promote longevity, prevent premature aging
Free radical scavenger, inhibit tumor growth
Endocrine system
Your endocrine system is in charge of creating and releasing hormones to maintain countless bodily functions. Endocrine tissues include your pituitary gland, thyroid, pancreas and others. There are several conditions related to endocrine system issues -- usually due to a hormone imbalance or problems directly affecting the tissue. There are hundreds of conditions related to issues with your endocrine system. Hormonal imbalances make up a significant number of endocrine diseases. The below groupings cover some but not all -- endocrine system related conditions. Diabetes and metabolic conditions: type 1 and type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, obesity, pancreatic cancer, adrenal tumors, thyroid cancer, thyroid disease, amenorrhea, erectile dysfunction, hormonal acne, infertility, menopausal disorders, PMS, osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, PCOS.
Circulatory system
The circulatory system (cardiovascular system) pumps blood from the heart to the lungs to get oxygen. The heart then sends oxygenated blood through arteries to the rest of the body. The veins carry oxygen-poor blood back to the heart to start the circulation process over. Your circulatory system is critical to healthy organs, muscles and tissues. Conditions and disorders include aneurysms, high blood pressure, plaque deposits, blood clots, kidney disease, strokes, heart attack, high cholesterol and diabetes, atherosclerosis, venous disease.
May inhibit platelet adhesiveness and prolong clotting time
Antioxidant properties, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, regulate blood pressure
Lower total cholesterol triglycerides, and fats, regulate the effects of insulin in glucose metabolism
Improve cardiovascular health, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow
Vasodilator, relax tension of blood vessels and arteries, reduce the incidence of plaque in arteries
Improve blood circulation, Reduce inflammation, relax blood vessels
Anti septic, anti viral, anti bacterial, anti inflammatory
Inhibit blood clot formation, relieve angina, break down fatty plaques
Minimize the formation of blood clots, complete protein with chlorophyll
Gastrointestinal motility, Prevent constipation, promote regularity and a healthy digestive tract
Anti nauseous, prevent gas and bloating, relieve indigestion, promote breakdown of foods
Relieve constipation, gas and bloating, great source of prebiotic fiber
Protein digestion, soothe upset stomach, aid digestion
Improve gut bacteria, reduce bile acids, promote healthy digestion
Nausea relief, improve digestion, promote healthy gut
Supports digestion, promote bowl regularity and growth of gut-healthy bacteria
Fuel growth of healthy gut bacteria, coolant, prevent constipation
Prebiotics increased, aid digestion, improve overall health
Digestive system
The food you eat takes an incredible journey through your body, from top (your mouth) to bottom (your anus). Along the way the beneficial parts of your food are absorbed, giving you energy and nutrients. There are temporary conditions and long term, or chronic, diseases and conditions such as constipation, diarrhea or heartburn from time to time. Short term or temporary conditions that affect the digestive system include: hemorrhoids, gastroenteritis, ulcers, gallstones, GERD, IBS, lactose intolerance, cancer, crohn's disease, celiac disease.
Female and male
Reproductive system
Female and male reproductive systems work together to reproduce. There are two kinds of sex cells-- sperm and eggs. The female reproductive organs are involved in sexual activity, fertility, menstruation and reproduction. Common reproductive health concerns for women: endometriosis, uterine fibroids, gynecologic cancer, HIV/AIDS, interstitial cystitis, PCOS, STDs, sexual violence. The male reproductive system mostly exists outside of your body. The external organs include the penis, scrotum and testicles. Internal organs include the vas deferens, prostate, and urethra. Common conditions that affect the male reproductive system testicular cancer, penile cancer, prostate cancer, STIs, premature ejaculation, male infertility, erectile dysfunction
Enhance semen quality, increases fertility of sperm, stimulate blood circulation, Anti inflammatory properties,
Promote healthy urination, strengthen the uterus, support health and function of the kidney, improve labor outcome
Stimulate blood flow to the genitalia, improved vaginal lubrication, balance hormones
High in folate iron for healthy red blood cells, supports fetal development
Regulate ovulation and support egg quality, increase cervical mucus
Improve sperm mobility and count, improved fertility
Improve blood circulation around the body, including reproductive organs
Boost nutrition levels, prevent preeclampsia, improve egg and sperm health, hormonal balance
Menstrual, menopausal, fertility support
Enhance bone health and formation, bone mass building
High concentration of B12 which contributes to bone health, limit free radicals
Essential for normal skeletal growth and cell differentiation
Stave off osteoporosis, improve bone health, mineral density
Stimulate formation of bone-forming cells
Increased bone mineralization and bone mass
Retain bone density, reduced risk of bone fracture
Enhances digestion, better absorb important bone-building nutrients
Vital nutrients for bone health
Skeletal system
The skeletal system works as a support structure for your body. It gives your body its shape, allows movement, makes blood cells, provides protection for organs and stores minerals. The skeletal system is also called the musculoskeletal system. Common conditions that can affect the skeletal system include: arthritis, fracture, osteosarcoma, osteoporosis, sprains and tears.
Muscular system
You have more than 600 muscles in your body. Some muscles help you move, lift, or sit still. Others help you digest food, breathe or see. Your heart is a muscle that pumps blood through your body. Many injuries and diseases can affect how the muscles work. A wide range of disorders, diseases, drugs, and injuries can cause problems with how the muscles work. They include: cancer and other diseases, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, genetic disorder, infection, injuries, medications.
Reduce muscle wasting, promote muscle growth
Promotes recovery from muscle fatigue and increases vitality
Helps prevent degeneration of muscle tissues and combat inflammation
Increase muscle mass, prevent from muscle wasting in chronic diseases and reduce body fat
Improve muscle function, plays a integral role in tissue growth and healing
Build and repair muscle
Prevent degeneration of muscle tissues and combat inflammation
Muscle recovery, promotes muscle flexibility, muscle and joint pain relief
Facilitate healthy muscle recovery, muscle pain reduction
Integumentary system
Restores and rejuvenates skin, fade scars
Soothes skin and keeps it hydrated, reduced puffiness
Anti-inflammatory properties, prevent acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema
Glow boosting, dead skin dissolving, reduce wrinkles, boost collagen production
Protect skin from free radical, improves skin flora homeostasis
Helps skin slow down the aging process, increase elasticity of skin
Helps protect the skin against various external aggressors
Natural exfoliation of skin, maintain skin elasticity
Rebuild dermal layers of skin, maintain balance in skin microbiome
Your integumentary system is your body’s outer layer. It consists of your skin, hair, nails and glands. These organs and structures are your first line of defense against bacteria and help protect you from injury and sunlight. Your integumentary system works with other systems in your body to keep it in balance. Your integumentary system is unique because most health conditions associated with it are visible. Unlike your internal organs, health conditions of your skin, hair and nails are typically external. Some of the most common skin disorders are: dermatitis and poison ivy, blisters, bug bites, skin cancer, cellulitis, acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, scars, hair loss, dandruff, head lice, hirsutism, hyperhidrosis.
Lymphatic system
Your lymphatic system is a group of organs, vessels and tissues that protect you from infection and keep a healthy balance of fluids throughout your body. Lymphatic system organs include your bone marrow, thymus and lymph nodes. Swollen lymph nodes are a sign of common infections, like strep throat, but also more serious diseases like cancer. Many conditions can affect the various parts of your lymphatic system. Some happen during development before birth or during childhood. Others develop as a result of disease or injury. Some common diseases and disorders of the lymphatic system include: Swollen lymph nodes, Swelling or accumulation of fluid, Cancers of the lymphatic system, Lymphangitis, Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome, strep throat, HIV.
Detoxify, boost blood circulation, and improve lymphatic flow
Reduce inflammation, thins blood, improves circulation
Cleanse and protect lymphatic system, keeps lymp fluid hydrated and flowing smoothly
Reduce inflammation, promote healthy tissue function
Strengthen vascular tissue, help in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and minerals
Powerful cleansing properties, beneficial effects on blood and lymph fluid
Anti-infectious, antiseptic, digestive and tonic, circulatory and digestive stimulant
Increases the flow of water through the lymphatic organs, cooling, moistening effect on body
Alkalize, and maintain pH balance which further facilitates the flow of lymph
Urinary system
Helps bladder starve off bad bacteria, flush out urinary tract
Protects against infection and strengthens immune system
Prevent UTI, balance pH, prevent bacteria infections
Helps bladder starve off bacteria,antimicrobial agent in treating UTI
Promote urinary tract health, provide protection, helps fight bacteria
Antibacterial compounds, helps better urine flow in order to release toxins out of the body
Micronutrients are essential in reducing inflammation in urinary tract tissues eliminating free radicals
Natural diuretic properties, flush toxins
Fight infection and inflammation in urinary tract, sooth and reduce inflammation
The urinary system includes your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. This system filters your blood, removing waste and excess water. This waste becomes pee. The most common urinary issues are bladder infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Many conditions can affect your ureters, kidneys, bladder and urethra. Infections, diseases or problems can appear at birth or develop as you get older. Cancer can also affect certain parts of your urinary tract.
Some common urinary disorders are: UTI, STI, Kidney stones, Urination problems, Urinary tract obstructions, Kidney disease, Interstitial cystitis, Structural problems.
Anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, boost immune system
Antispasmodic properties, antibacterial, and antiviral
Powerful antioxidant, fight off virus and bacteria
Suppress mucus and inflammation, enhance immune system
Immune boosting, fight infection, fight free radical
Stimulating antibody synthesis, strengthens the body's immune response
Decrease the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, antiviral
Ward off pathogens, augment production of white blood cells, inhibit disease, fight infection
Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti aging, immune boosting
Immune system
Your immune system is your body’s first-line defense against invaders like germs. It helps protect you from getting sick and promotes healing when you’re unwell or injured. Conditions that can interfere with the normal workings of your immune system include: allergies, autoimmune disease, primary immunodeficiency disease, infectious disease, cancer, sepsis, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, itchy skin,finger or toes tingle or are numb, night sweats, hair loss, inflammation.
Cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system has a very important function ― getting oxygen and nutrients to your entire body and removing waste. Your cells depend on your cardiovascular system to get what they need to keep running smoothly.
Many of the problems with the components of the cardiovascular system have to do with slowdowns or blockages in the blood vessels. Since your blood vessels supply your entire body with oxygen, a blockage in any of the blood vessels makes it harder to deliver that oxygen.
Common cardiovascular problems include these heart problems: arrhythmia, heart attack, heart valves that don't work right, heart failure, aneurysm, stroke, atherosclerosis, vascular diseases, chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness.
Reduce heart disease, anti-inflammatory, keep blood vessels healthy
Reduce blood cholesterol, protect cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure, increase blood flow
Reduce heart disease, lower LDL cholesterol, regulate heartbeat
Support cardiovascular health, protect against kidney stones and anemia
Reduce inflammation, ease high blood pressure
Promote heart health, anti inflammatory,antioxidant effect
Increased vascular relaxation and tone, decreased inflammation, insulin resistance and blood sugar
Lower risk of developing heart disease or prematurely dying from heart disease
Prevent blood clotting, lower cholesterol, treat heart diseaseimprove blood sugar control
Boost stamina, helps with recovery of muscle and joints
Improve joint function, bone health promotion, muscle energy and recovery
Structure and flexibility to the skin, functioning of the bone, muscles and blood vessels
Maintain health and function of your heart and other muscles, bone and teeth
Reduce the activity of several chemical substances that promote joint inflammation
Muscle recovery, reduces fatigue from exercise, enhanced recovery post exercise.
Helps build muscle, maintain muscle health, maintain healthy bone structure
Electrolytes that help avoid muscle cramps, support healthy skeletal muscle function
Reduce muscle damage and inflammation, enhance recovery
Human musculoskeletal system
Your musculoskeletal system includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues. They work together to support your body's weight and help you move. Injuries, disease, and aging can cause pain, stiffness, and other problems with movement and function. Hundreds of conditions can cause problems with the musculoskeletal system. They can affect the way you move, speak, and interact with the world. Some of the most common causes are: aging, arthritis, back problems, cancer, congenital abnormalities, disease, injuries.